Cross Country
All the information you need this Cross Country Season!
Step 1: Familiarise yourself with the Criteria which is required to qualify for the Provincial team.
Step 2: Identify the leagues you want to participate in throughout the season. (Provisional list CC Fixtures – 3103 )
Step 3: Identify whether it will be a Morning Program or Afternoon Program Morning Program 3103
Step 4: Submit a completed Cross Country – REGISTRATION form-2019 together with your Certified Birth Certificate/ID Document and photo,to the league Co-ordinator at the next league. Please submit only once for 2019.
If you have any enquiries on the leagues, please contact the co-ordinator of the area as listed below i.e:
Ehlanzeni (E) – Boikie Gama
(082 977 1665)
Gert Sibande (GS) – Theuns Luus
083 630 8729
Nkangala (N) – Mari Luus
083 233 2677
Now you can enjoy the league but ensure that your name appears on the results to prevent inconvenience later in the season!
News letters – 2024
Will commence in Marh 2024.