Athletics Events Planned For This Month

Mpumalanga Championships Results

Good afternoon all Cross Country Friends

Attach are the results of the 2015 MPU Championships.  Congratulations to every athlete who gave their best.  To my team who helped to make the event a special day for all our athletes, thank you very much for your time and effort.  It was really a world class event.

The final Mpumalanga Team list for the 2015 SA Championships will follow soon. Most of the athletes already received their letters on Saturday but there can be a few additions after Saturday.  For those who did not make the Mpumalanga Team but consider to enter as an Individual athlete need to reply via Mpumalanga Athletics.  Keep in mind the following rules that were put in place by ASA:

ASA will allow individual entries to accommodate deserving athletes who are not included in provincial teams for various reasons under the following conditions:

i) Only South African citizens will be allowed to enter as individuals.

ii) Provinces have first call on an athlete. An Athlete selected for a province must take part for that province and may not enter as an individual.

iii) Athletes who are not selected for their province may enter as individuals, but must enter via their province and compete in their official club attire or neutral colours with no advertising on the clothing. No sponsored kit which is not their club’s registered kit will be permitted.

iv) Individual athletes must be registered for the competition by their province, must have a 2015 license and must be in good standing with the province.

v) The province must motivate all individual entries, providing reasons why the athlete/s are not included in their provincial team.

vi) Provinces cannot enter individual athletes in a category if they have reached the quota of 18 athletes per age category.

I also attach the Team Manual that was provided by ASA with all the necessary arrangements for the day (updated list of accommodation also attached).



SA Cross Country Team Manual 2015

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