Athletics Events Planned For This Month

News Letter 15 – 2015

Good day all Cross Country friends

Here we are at the end of the leagues for 2015.  We had a great cross country season and the Mpumalanga Championships and the SA Championships that will take place within 6 weeks is a special time we are looking forward to.

I am busy with the summary of the leagues but I believe you kept record of your participation during the leagues.  Unfortunately, this takes a long time as our athletes used nicknames and sometime their first names on entries.  I will have it ready by Saturday as I am waiting for the results of the last two leagues (except the results from Nkangala).

I will forward the last results as soon as I have received it.

For the athletes who made use of the extra school league, I need your results at the latest this coming Friday.  The letter needs to be signed by the cross country coach and the headmaster on an official letter head of the school with a stamp. Please make sure it is handed in on time.   Only athletes who conform to the criteria of a minimum of 4 leagues will be selected for the Mpumalanga Team.

I will forward you the summary by this coming Saturday.



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